Vigyan Prasar oragnised exhibition and leture on theme “Science & Technology for specially abled persons” in collaboartion with NCSTC DST.
Exhibition during 4th National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC) and INSPIRE programme
Vigyan Prasar developed two theme pavilions during the INSPIRE 2014 exhibition held during October 2014 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. The following activities were carried out:
- Design two theme pavilions
- Design a set of posters exhibition & digital display
- Development of film on INSPIRE
- Design & development of exhibits/models
The exhibition was developed on the two themes (1) Mars Orbiter Mission and (2) India in space. The themes were in consensus with India’s first interplanetary mission to planet Mars with an orbiter craft designed to orbit Mars in an elliptical orbit. The pavilion will also highlights important insights of India in space. The following knowledge products were developed for the exhibition
- Posters: 120 in nos. (on Mars Orbital Mission, Discoveries & inventions that shaped the world, Science & Technologies in our life, Method of Science, 30 m telescope, Indian Scientists)
- Short film: 01 in no. (highlighting the INSPIRE scheme and its achievements)
- Exhibits/models: 06 in nos. (3D model of Mars, Table top orthography of Mars, MOM orbit from Earth to Mars along with insights/timeline for “India in Space”, Models/replica of satellite and SOYUZ T 10 descent module)
The Expo witnessed a large attendance of students and the general public. The exhibition also served as meaningful interactions between scientific fraternity, academia and students.