1. Objective
2. Strategically important tasks; collaborations & synergies
3. Emerging thrust areas
4. Eight major approaches
The objective of VP is to “promote scientific and rational outlook” amongst stakeholders in all sectors and especially relevant for growth and sustainable development of India. This is aligned with the
The special focus on scientific temper and rational outlook is to help improve preparedness of stakeholders comprehend the scope of appropriate and verifiable action. This has enormous implications for :
VP fulfils this objective through strategically important tasks based on in – house thematic and communication expertise and institutional collaborations / synergies. VP accordingly
i. Delivers appropriate information relevant for stakeholder groups across the country and in response to felt needs. In this process VP :
a. Functions as a resource‐cum‐facilitation centre for S&T communication
b. Develops research based information and communication modules,
c. Builds capacities of science communicators and networks
d. Develops and markets software for S&T popularization in many languages
e. Uses multiple media / tools including Audio, Video, Radio, TV, Print, Kits etc,
f. Assesses appropriateness of communication media / tools & adapts them for local use &
g. Undertakes theme – specific nationwide science popularization programmes / campaigns
ii. Collaborates with national and state level / international institutions through well defined MoUs and other institutional arrangements to deliver information / disseminate modules / build capacities. Some of these institutions include :
a. Academic: Formal and non – formal systems of education & centres of higher learning
b. Research: Autonomous institutions of the Department of Science & Technology & other departments including the Atomic Energy Commission
c. Broadcast agencies &
d. Publishers.
iii. Contributes to India’s plans including the:
a. 12th 5 – year plan on strategically important aspects of natural resources management / assessments, training and capacity building &
b. Development of work plans of multilateral organizations / forums (FAO, UN Global Compact etc).
VP is poised to expand its portfolio of thrust areas and partnerships with leading multilateral institutions in particular. This is based on a growing recognition of present and emerging needs to complement India’s initiatives on such important areas as:
I. Energy production and consumption
II. Agriculture
III. Large industry, small, medium and micro enterprises related preventive management
a. Cleaner production,
b. energy efficiency enhancement,
c. emission reduction
d. Chemicals substitution with special reference to in industry
IV. Climate Change mitigation & adaptation
V. Compliance Assistance with respect to multilateral environmental agreements including technical assistance to mainstream appropriate alternatives
VI. Public health &
VII. Cross cutting aspects including
a. Science / technology transfer / demonstration / adaptation / knowledge consolidation & transfer
b. Assessments of specific information / training / capacity building needs of stakeholders &
c. Policy, Plan, Programme and Project interventions.
Scientists in Vigyan Prasar are encouraged to establish and foster academic, research and project based relationships with national and international institutions / agencies through mutually reinforcing learning and expertise at the national, regional and global levels.
A snapshot of the nine major approaches adopted by VP historically for Science & Technology Communication:
I. Television and radio based broadcasts through MoUs with :
a. All India Radio to broadcast weekly science programmes in 19 Indian languages through 117 radio stations with a footprint of 96% geographical area of India.
b. Doordarshan network, for broadcast of television serials on science and technology.
c. Lok Sabha TV for Cable & satellite based services.
ii . Newsletter
VP’s monthly bilingual newsletter / resource package – DREAM 2047, reaches about 60,000 schools, colleges and community leaders/ opinion makers.
iii. Books in Indian languages.
About 20 books are authored almost every year and several are published through leading agencies.
iv. National campaigns on natural events / phenomena / “international days” as
a. Solar eclipse,
b. Transit of Venus
c. International year of Planet Earth,
d. Year of biodiversity
e. National year of mathematics etc.
v. Interactive kits / toys that can be easily adapted for local use, on such themes as biodiversity, astronomy, mathematics etc.
vi. Publications in peer reviewed national and international journals on various aspects of science communication and impacts; science and technology developments / transfer, training and capacity building, empirical evidences and several related aspects in the science / society interface including public policy and planning.
vii. Interactive outreach through hundreds of science clubs across the country &
viii. Handbooks, Worksheets, Websites and other forms of locally adapted development communication / life skills on such aspects as gender equity, health, disaster preparedness etc.