युवा अन्वेषकों के हाइटेक नवाचारों को पुरस्कार

नई दिल्ली, 08 जुलाई, 2019 (इंडिया साइंस वायर): खेत में कीटनाशकों का छिड़काव करते समय रसायनिक दवाओं के संपर्क में आने से किसानों की सेहत पर बुरा असर पड़ता है।

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Indian scientists develop 'black gold' - a wonder material

New Delhi, 08 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): A Indians are fascinated with gold, making India one of the largest consumers of the yellow metal globally.

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ICMR launches Mission SHAKTTI

New Delhi, 08 July, 2019 (India Science Wire):To commemorate 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has launched Mission SHAKTTI (School based Health Awareness, Knowledge Test and Training Initiative) in collaboration with National Gandhi Museum and Directorate of Education, Govt. of Delhi.

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These innovations are high tech yet frugal in application

New Delhi, 06 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): An anti-pesticide dermal gel, a low-cost insulin pump, new method for screening drugs against malaria and kala-azar, an early diagnosis method for osteoporosis

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Here is how forecast of extreme rainfall events can be improved

New Delhi, 05 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): On July 2, the Maharashtra government decided to close private and public schools in Mumbai based on IMD’s rainfall forecast which predicted “intermittent rain in city and suburbs, with heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places for the next 24 hours.”

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वैज्ञानिकों ने की FMD पशु संक्रमण के आनुवांशिक कारणों की खोज

वास्को-द-गामा (गोवा), 04 जुलाई, 2019 (इंडिया साइंस वायर):खुरपका व मुंहपका रोग पशुओं में होने वाला संक्रामक विषाणुजनित रोग है। भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों ने इस रोग विषाणु के फैलने के लिए जिम्मेदार आनुवांशिक और पारिस्थितिकी कारकों का पता लगाने में सफलता पाई है।

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Micro plastics - an invisible danger to human health

New Delhi, 04 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): Plastics – the wonder material known for its durability, stability and affordability – has become a major environmental challenge in recent years.

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Human Atlas - an Initiative for holistic understanding of human biology

New Delhi, 03 July, 2019 (India Science Wire):A new human atlas initiative has been launched to create a unified database of molecular network of all the tissues in the human body

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शहरीकरण और फसल चक्र में बदलाव से बढ़ रहा है तापमान

New Delhi, 03 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): बढ़ते शहरीकरण एवं फसल चक्र में बदलाव से भूमि उपयोग और भूमि आवरण बदल रहा है

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Urbanization, changing cropping patterns contributing to temperature rise: study

New Delhi, 03 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): Warming induced by changes in land use and land cover is contributing to rise in temperature in Eastern India, according to a new study.

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AI helps identify bat species suspected of carrying Nipah virus

New Delhi, 02 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): The recent outbreak of Nipah virus in Kerala, which follows one that occurred in 2018, has brought the focus back on bats which are known to host the virus.

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जलवायु अनुकूलन मे महत्वपूर्ण हो सकते हैं मोटे अनाज

नई दिल्ली, 02 जुलाई, 2019 (इंडिया साइंस वायर): बढ़ते तापमान, मानसून के बदलते चक्र और चरम मौसमी घटनाओं के कारण खाद्यान्न सुरक्षा के लिए खतरा बढ़ रहा है।

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Neem chemical can disable cotton pest in multiple ways: study

New Delhi, 02 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): The neem plant, Azadirachta indica, is known to contain a potent phytochemical Azadirachtin-A (Aza-A) that can ward off several pests.

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Here is how millets can make India’s food basket climate-resilient

New Delhi, 01 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): Increasing temperatures, changing monsoon and more frequent extreme climate events are posing a threat to food security in India.

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Vitamin combo may help treat kala azar

New Delhi, 01 July, 2019 (India Science Wire): Increasing temperatures, changing monsoon and more frequent extreme climate events are posing a threat to food security in India.

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